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I am a writer of children's and young adult fiction. I find my inspiration in the wild and wonderful Australian bush and the quiet places in between.
(C) Pim Allison (1998)

Have you ever gone for a walk in the wild?
There’s wilderness all about us and creatures everywhere. And every creature has a story to tell — brave adventures, death-defying feats, stealthy victories. You only have to look and listen and you will find them, heroes of their own little worlds within our own.

Do you like to hunt for treasure?
Me too! Once upon a time, I studied to be an archaeologist. Archaeology is not really about finding treasure (although I did find gold in my sieve once). It’s all about discovering the past. These days I mostly dig around for quirky old books long forgotten and sometimes tales that are shiny and new...
​​Photo credit: Meredith Downes surveying the Old Kinchega homestead, NSW, Australia under Prof Pim Allison, 1998. Fig. 5 in P. M. Allison, (with contributions from M. Barry, P. Crook and R. Pullar) The Kinchega Archaeological Research Project: Survey of the Old Kinchega Homestead 1998. (Report for Cultural Heritage Division, NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service)